Bridges made of fabric

August 11, 2024

Today we would like to introduce HilDE to you. Because HilDe, the sewing workshop of all cultures, is something very special. In this blog post, we would like to clearly take the focus away from our tiles and focus on what is probably a unique model in Germany. But we think that when someone does something so great, it should also be reported, especially with the frequent negative coverage of migration issues in the major media. And, as HilDe says, diversity at Mosáico is in line with her own motto: Diversity in the same.

Sugar-sweet, handmade pin cushions

HilDe, short for Hiltruper Design mit Herz, is a multicultural sewing workshop initiated by a Hiltruper couple during the wave of refugees in 2015. At the height of the refugee wave, a great deal of textiles were needed and donated. The administration of these textile mountains exceeded the capacity of volunteers in many places. In addition, it was probably not always easy to find the right pieces for all individual wishes. Last but not least, in view of the widespread topic of “refugees”, many questions also arose: What are the many arrivals dealing with now? What resources do they bring with them? What natural encounter opportunities can be created? How can staying be organized? Where is there suitable work? How does a dignified life go? How does it all go together? Textiles provide an answer to many of these questions. Textiles have a similar meaning for people of all cultures. Some of these include protection, jewelry, and status. This topic connects people across all borders, forms of existence and time.

Cushion covers are great to sew from donated fabrics and look very decorative

For example, a multicultural sewing workshop was established in the Münster World House of Missionary Sisters, which not only creates new textile values, upcycling is the keyword here, but also enables everyone involved to enjoy, meet and exchange ideas through joint work.

In the first few months, the sewing workshop boomed. Helpers who initially only wanted to be there sporadically soon came regularly or at least as often as they could. More and more women came from various refugee institutions. At the same time, more and more children came along and men were also increasingly visiting the associated language café. On full days, over 40 people were in the sewing workshop.

The HilDE project became increasingly well-known and, in addition to the many donations in kind, financial donations were also added, which further stimulated and allowed the project to continue to grow.

The works created in the sewing workshop, including key chains, backpacks and cell phone cases, were of course received by the generous donors as a small thank you. The handicrafts were also intended for sale, so part of HilDe could also be refinanced. However, this was anything but easy due to the bureaucratic hurdles. The products were therefore only donated until a suitable legal solution was found for a sale.

The work of HILDE members, which they made on the donated sewing machines, was very well received, which encouraged HilDe to open its own shop and studio at Hohe Geest 13 in Münster Hiltrup. Funding funds and generous sponsors provided a solid financial basis for implementing the idea.

As a result, Mosáico cement tiles came into contact with the project, because the variety of patterns and the craftsmanship simply fit perfectly with the workshop concept. HilDe ordered oriental-looking patterns to express the connection of different cultures by combining different styles.

Hip gym bags with the latest fabrics and prints can also be found at HilDe

True to the initial idea, the new home of the Hiltruper aid project should be a place of encounter, joint activity and cooperation that connects all cultures and creates new things with a great deal of creativity and understanding. Anyone who would like to participate is cordially invited to make their contribution and help HilDE grow, regardless of whether they are refugees who help with their work with sales or production, translators who help overcome language barriers, or media designers who design flyers and business cards. Anyone who has the time and desire can help organize or supervise market stalls — there is always something to do here and HilDe is open to anyone who wants to provide support with a wide range of skills, even beyond Münster's borders.

But even though volunteer work is difficult for many people — even as a customer, you are very welcome and invited to visit the small shop and be enchanted by the beautiful handicrafts. The opening hours (Mon, Wed, Friday from 10:00 — 12:00 and Tue, Thu from 16:00 — 18:00) and much more information can be found on the Internet at and we would also like to recommend the open house of the newly founded HilDe e.V. association on 23.06.2018.

Many thanks to Mrs. Neuhaus for the incredibly nice and informative conversation, the great work of the group and her never-ending commitment to combining materials and cultures.

Some of the products from the HILDE range

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