The cement tile is a historic building material that is still produced today by our master craftsmen with the same craftsmanship as when they were invented in the middle of the 19th century. Back then, cement tiles mainly came from the western Mediterranean region and even today, the noble heirs of this period are manufactured in our own modern factory in Morocco. On this page, we introduce you to the work of our master craftsmen and give you an insight into the complex and careful production of our cement tiles.

The manufacturing process of cement tiles

Step 1: Prepare the mold

When manufacturing the cement tiles, the later top side is started. The sturdy precision frame in the foreground and the polished plate in the background guarantee the exact dimensions and smooth surface of the cement tile.

Step 2: Insert metal template

Each of Mosáico's over 700 patterns has its own metal template. The selected metal template is inserted into the precision frame, which sits firmly on the polished plate.

Step 3: Coloring the fields of the metal template

Marble dust, cement, fine sand and color pigments were mixed and stirred with water to form color pastes. The individual fields of the metal template are filled with these color pastes in the colors chosen by our customers.

Step 4: Remove the metal template

The metal template is carefully lifted out of the precision frame. This creates the typical, soft transitions between the individual colors, which give the cement tiles their liveliness.

Step 5: Check the pattern

The pattern of the tile is finished. Our masters check the result carefully once again.

Step 6: Cover wear layer

The color layer of the cement tile is covered with almost dry grout, which is painted smooth. This ensures the same height of all tiles.

Step 7: Hydraulic press cement tile

The stamp is put on and the cement tile is then hydraulically pressed under high pressure.

Step 8: Remove stamps and frames

The stamp and precision frame are removed. The tile is carefully removed from the polished plate. The master looks at his work again to check, because only now is the top of the cement tile visible. The tile is then stored to dry and harden the cement.

Video: How to make mosaic cement tiles

Are cement tiles still manufactured in the same way as before?

The manufacturing process is basically the same as the original, artisanal production of cement tiles. We have deliberately retained traditional raw materials and do not use any chemical additives. In contrast to back then, all raw materials at Mosáico are subject to precise quality controls. We buy color pigments and cement from leading brand manufacturers. We mix all of our 36 standard colors exactly according to our own recipes. In our modern factory, experienced craftsmen produce cement tiles by hand using standardized raw materials.

Can I make cement tiles myself?

In principle, yes. The manufacturing process is no secret. However, for exact dimensions and perfect appearance, high-quality metal tools are required, which cannot simply be bought or manufactured. To ensure durability, the tile must be pressed under high pressure, which can only be achieved with professional, large hydraulic presses.

Like all craft trades, cement tile production requires long practical training and a lot of practice - this is the only way to avoid flowing colors of the pattern or dirty edges. In short - the relatively high cost of making cement tiles yourself will not justify the rather mediocre result. Of course, it should also be borne in mind that you can't do much with a tile alone. To lay an area of just one square meter, you need 25 pieces measuring 20x20cm.

Can I have tiles made individually for me?

At Mosáico, almost all tiles are manufactured individually for the customer, because it is usually the customer who determines which colors are used in which parts of the pattern.

In addition, you can also order tiles with your own pattern. To do this, our masters make a metal template for your pattern. In this way, historic tiles can be recreated for a monument protection project, for example. Of course, a pattern designed by yourself is also possible, even a company logo or family crest is possible. Talk to us!

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